Our service offer
We successfully advise entrepreneurs from creditworthy SMEs in M&A processes. We provide our clients with excellent advice and exceptional market access to make their transaction successful.
Anonymous bidding process
We generate real offers on an anonymous basis. Without revealing your identity, you find out what the market can really offer for your company.
Company sale
After we have determined the market value for you, we support you in the transaction all the way to the actual inflow of funds.
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Company acquisition
We identify suitable companies for potential acquisition by our clients, contact them and coordinate the entire acquisition process.
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Transaction preparation
Through customised structuring, we optimise your company from a tax perspective together with our partners in order to achieve the maximum purchase price.
Early-stage financing
We structure your external financing process, draw up professional business plans and actively refer you to investors.
„The support of sonntag corporate finance can be outlined with the following attributes: very high responsiveness, absolute process sovereignty, very fast comprehension, a neat move to the goal and at the same time personally and humanly absolutely Integer.
“Our expectations were far exceeded. Especially for us as a family-run company, sonntag was absolutely the right partner.”
„Die Zusammenarbeit war über den gesamten Prozessverlauf stets professionell, herzlich und zielorientiert. Insbesondere wurde unserem Wunsch nach maximaler Prozesssicherheit Rechnung getragen.
“Our expectations were far exceeded. Especially for us as a family-run company, sonntag was absolutely the right partner.”
“The support of sonntag corporate finance can be outlined with the following attributes: very high responsiveness, absolute process sovereignty, very fast comprehension, a neat move to the goal and at the same time personally and humanly absolutely Integer.”
“The cooperation was always professional, cordial and goal-oriented throughout the entire process. In particular, our desire for maximum process reliability was taken into account.”
Nachfolgekontor GmbH
With the founding of our sister company Nachfolgekontor GmbH in 2014 we have, as a group of companies, expanded our market segment to include transaction volumes from EUR 2 million to EUR 10 million. In contrast to sonntag corporate finance GmbH, Nachfolgekontor GmbH specialises in companies with lower turnovers.
Does your company have a turnover of less than EUR 10 million? If so, Nachfolgekontor GmbH is the ideal partner for you. We will be happy to put you in touch with them.